People’s Organizations

1. SHG Federations: SHG Federation is the grass root level strength of the Organization in its operational area. There are 700 SHGs under 63 federations actively working with Highrange Development Society in the developmental process. All the Federations and SHGs are maintaining the reports and records regularly and are audited every year. 168 joint Liability Groups engaged in various Income Generation Activities. Under these federations 63 JLGs (Joint Liability Groups) 20 farmers Clubs and 25 Farm Friends Groups are working. 17 Balavedis (SHG of children) are also the strength of the society.
2. Farm Friend Groups: ‘Farm Friend Groups’(FFG) is a unique contribution of HDS in to the agrarian society in the 26 villages of HDS operational area, and which is replicable model. These FFGs received local and national level acceptance widespread coverage by the media. Farm Friend Groups members are earning additional income through the work they undertake, provide valuable service to the farmers with commitment and converts vast area of unproductive land into high yielding area.
3. Farmers Club: The society in collaboration with NABARD formed 20 registered Farmers Clubs. All the clubs are working for the upliftment of women farmers, rejuvenation of agriculture, share the resources and learn the new techniques in the agriculture. NABARD support of Rs. 10000/- as grant every is received by these groups.
Farmers Club Study Tour: The society in partnership with Famers club members organized a study tour to selected 50 famers from 20 clubs for two days. Verities of seeds, Seedlings are introduced by the Mannuthy Karshika Sarvakalasala are seen by the participants. Various machineries are also introduced by the officials of the Sarvakalasala. Also visited the Jackfruit processing Centre at Naduvattam and Anakkayam Krishi Vignan Kendra at Malappuram.