II. Family Development Programme:

1. Save A Family Plan: The society with the support Save A Family Plan, India selected the financially backward families to bring up them in the mainstream society. During the reporting period 247 families were assisted. Each family will get an assistance of Rs. 950/- each every month for a period of six consecutive years. During the reporting period the beneficiaries made use of Rs.3385834/- under different projects like agriculture, education, animal husbandry, house construction, business etc.

2. Habitat for Humanity House construction Scheme: The Society in partnership with ‘Habitat for Humanity India’ organized the housing project. 15 families house constructions completed during this year which were lost due to heavy rains and landslides occurred during the year 2013. Distributed Rs. 40000/- each for 15 families in its operational area. Besides these 750 families were supported with solar lantern cost of Rs. 3000/- each given as interest free loan.

3. Theeram: Threeam is a SHG which focuses the development of the people with disability. There are nine SHGs with 120 members who are actively working for their rights.

4. Free Medical Camp: The Society in collaboration with the Ganga Hospital Coimabatore for people with deformities due to burn injuries , cleft lip and cleft palate conducted free medical camp and supported 11 surgeries costing Rs. 6,00,000/-.

5. Spinsters and Widows SHGs: Kerala Social Service forum, Kottayam and the society organized various programme for the support of people who are living separately or away from Home. 85 such people formed 9 SHGs for their self reliance. Two training programmmes organized exclusively for them. 5 Chicks distributed for each member during this year.